Light Bars

LED lighting packages are designed to take full advantage of the Emergency Equipment Electrical System (E.E.E.S.) technology built into your Ram 1500 Special Service vehicle. GFX Law technical staff works with most major lighting  manufacturers to optimize the functionality of your system. See below for a full list of options available.

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Ram Lights Ram Perimeter Lights
Light Bars
Visor Lights
Rear Deck Lights
Traffic Advisor Lights
Front Lighting
Corner Lighting
Side Lighting
Rear Lighting
Mirror Lighting
Ram Light Bars
A Lightbar is the most recognizable feature of your law enforcement vehicle and can be configured to fit your department’s 360 degree flash sequence needs.  GFX Law can help you configure and program your lightbar’s functionality by incorporating flash modes such as take down, intersection, alley, traffic advisor, park kill, cruise, brake, and DUI protocol.